Working Long Hours: Implications for Wage Inequality
Alexander Bick, W. P. Carey School of Business
You Can, Too: Examining the Effectiveness of a Police-Community Intervention to Replace Fear with Facts and Build Community-Police Trust
Mary-Ellen Brown, Watts College of Public Service & Community Solutions
Prefrontal Mechanisms Underlying Cocaine-Induced Compulsivity
Cassandra Gipson-Reichardt, Department of Psychology
The De-cology of Community Organization: A Study of Closure among Nonprofit Organizations in the United States
Mark Hager, Watts College of Public Service & Community Solutions
Conceptualization of and Support for Democracy: A Cross-National Analysis
Margaret Hanson, School of Politics and Global Studies
Feasibility of Social Networking to Improve Social Support of an Online Yoga Intervention in Mothers who have Experienced Stillbirth
Jennifer Huberty, College of Health Solutions
Using Virtual Reality to Impact Affect and Stress Reactivity
Nicole Janich, Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions
Acceptability and Feasibility of a Culturally Relevant Smartphone-delivered Physical Activity Intervention among Midlife African American Women
Joseph Rodney, College of Nursing and Health Innovation
Pragmatic Strategies for Designing Complex Multi-response Studies
MingHung Kao, School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
Can AI Invent?: The Perspective from China
Jose Lobo, School of Sustainability
Active Transportation to School and Sense of Community: A Pilot Study
Allison Ross, Watts College of Public Service & Community Solutions
Investigating the Impact of School District Decentralization on Students and Families in Southern Nevada
Carrie Sampson, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College
Advancing Personalized Learning across Physical and Digital Spaces: A Data-driven Learning Analytics Approach
Yi Zheng, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College