Racial-ethnic Socialization and Critical Racial consciousness in Multiracial Families
Annabelle Atkin, The Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics
A Pilot Study of the Consumer-based Meditation App, Calm, for Psychological Distress, Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in Cancer Patients
Nishat Bhuiyan, College of Health Solutions
Uncivil Society and Radical Right Voting: The Case of Portland
Lenka Bustikova-Siroky, School of Politics and Global Studies
Understanding Rebel Appeal: Ideology and Governance in Syria
Anand Gopal, School of Politics and Global Studies
A Cross-sectional Survey Assessing Perceived Stress, Everyday Discrimination, Social Support, and the Use and Interest in mHealth Delivered Mindfulness-based Practices in Racial/Ethnic Minorities
Jennifer Green, College of Health Solutions
50 States of COVID19 Reality: Information, Misinformation, and the Efficacy of State Interventions
Yushin Kim, School of Public Affairs
A Pilot Study to Develop a Survey Measure of Technology-facilitated Abuse for an NIJ Proposed Study
Lauren Reed, Megan Lindsay Brown, School of Social Work
Improving Police Officer Decision-Making Under Stress
Nicole Roberts, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
Explicating Family Processes to Support Diabetes Prevention in Latino Families
Gabriel Shaibi, Edson College of Nursing and Health Innovation