Fall 2016 Seed Grant Recipients
Making informed choices about public engagement in science and technology policy
Dr. Michael Bernstein, Postdoctoral Research Associate, School for the Future of Innovation in Society
Hours Worked in Europe and the US
Dr. Alexander Bick, Assistant Professor, W. P. Carey, Economics
Collaborative Research: Livelihoods in Indigenous Communities: Household Economies and Networks (LICHEN)
Dr. Shauna BurnSilver, Assistant Professor, School of Human Evolution and Social Change
Feasibility, Acceptability and Preliminary Efficacy of a Computer-Tailored Intervention to Promote HPV Vaccination in Uninsured and Underinsured Families
Dr. Angela Chen, Associate Professor, Nursing & Health Innovation
Creative Placemaking as Ambiguous Work: Role and Jurisdictional Challenges in Cross-Sector Collaborations
Dr. Alexandre Frenette, Postdoctoral Scholar, Herberger Institute for Design and the Arts
Using Behavioral Economics to Increase Comprehension and Knowledge of the Risks and Benefits of Living Organ Donation
Dr. Ellen Green, Assistant Professor, School of Science of Health Care Delivery
Feasibility of a Mobile App to Improve Physical Activity and Reduce Sedentary Behavior in Pregnant Women
Dr. Jennifer Huberty, Associate Professor, Nutrition and Health Promotion: Exercise Science and Health Promotion
Understanding the Dynamics of Scientific and Technological Innovation
Dr. Manfred Laubichler, President's Professor, School of Life Sciences, Center for Biosocial Complex Systems
Heal, Exercise & Recover (HER): Initial Pilot Study to Examine the Feasibility of a Novel Intervention for Women with Substance Use Disorders
Dr. Natasha Mendoza, Assistant Professor, School of Social Work
Urbanization in South Asia and Its Impact on Climate and Carbon Release
Dr. Soe Myint, Associate Professor, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning
Earliest Interventions for Infants at Genetic Risk for Severe Speech Sound Disorder
Dr. Beate Peter, Assistant Professor, Health Solutions: Center for Speech and Hearing Science
The Influence of Maternal Diet and Neonatal Feeding Practices on In Utero and Postnatal Adiposity Among Diverse Pregnant Adolescents
Dr. Elizabeth Refsnider, Associate Dean and Professor, Nursing and Health Innovation
Forms Influence on Message Content and Effect: Formalist Analysis of Extremist Videos
Dr. Scott Ruston, Assistant Research Professor, Communication, Center for Strategic Communication
Estimation of Welfare in Networked Markets
Dr. Gregory Veramendi, Assistant Professor, W. P. Carey, Economics
The Forgiveness Tree Project: Cultivating Character through the Boys and Girls Club
Dr. Vincent Waldron, Professor, Communication, Social and Behavioral Sciences New College