ISSR Fall 2016 - Winners of the Graduate Student Poster Competition!
Category 1 - Completed Research
First Place
- Heather Fischer, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning - hfischer_issrposter_fall2016.pdf
Second place
- Katerina Marcoulides, Department of Psychology - marcoulides_katerina_f16_poster.pdf
Third Place
- Cari Pick, Department of Psychology - pick_cari_f16_poster.pdf
- Mary Wright, School of Georgraphical Sciences and Urban Planning - wright_mary_f16_issr.pdf
Honorable Mention
- Yeowon Kim, School of Sustainability - kim_yeowan_f16_poster.pptx
- Stefanie Northover, Department of Psychology - northover_stephanie_f16_poster.pptx
Category 2 - Proposed Research
First Place
- Agnes Bucko, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences - bucko_agnes_f16_poster.pdf
Second Place
- Elaine Retteger, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College - rettger_elaine_f16.pdf
Third Place
- Michelle Sullivan, Biology - sullivan_poster_fall_2016.pdf
- Jade Yonehiro, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences - yonhero_rhythms_poster.pptx
Honorable Mention
- Michelle Clark, Environmental Life Sciences, clark_issr_poster_perceptions.pdf
- Julie Hurd & Sasha Sioni, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences - sioni_sasha_f16_poster.pdf