ISSR Spring 2016 - Winners of the Graduate Student Poster Competition!
From Left to Right: Russ Bernard, Director ISSR, Elizabeth Wentz, Dean, School of Social Sciences and Associate Director ISSR, Lindsey Conrow, Kendon Jung, Tanie Sherman, Grant Snitker, Tara Perkins, Ziru Li, Alwin DSouza, Qingqing Hu, Abigail Sullivan, Naomi Andrews, Jenna Rudo-Stern, Claudine Gravel-Miguel
Category 1 - Compeleted Research
First Place
- Claudine Gravel-Miguel, School of Human Evolution and Social Change gravel-miguel_poster.pdf
Second Place
- Jenna Rudo-Stern, Department of Psychology jrs_poster.pdf
Third Place
Naomi Andrews, T. Denny Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics andrews_issr_poster.pdf
Honorary Mention:
- Abigail Sullivan, School of Human Evolution and Social Change sullivan_abigail_issr_poster.pdf
- Alwin DSouza, W. P. Carey School of Business poster_final_asu_.pdf
- Qingqing Hu, Hugh Downs School of Human Communication hu_qingqing_-_go_viral_or_go_memetic_poster.pptx
Category 2 - Proposed Research
First Place
- Zira Li, W. P. Carey School of Business poster_ziru_li_final.pdf
Second Place
- Tara Perkins, College of Nursing and Health Innovation perkins_v7j_poster.pdf
Third Place
- Grant Snitker, School of Human Evolution and Social Change snitker_issr_poster_2016.pdf
Honorary Mention
- Tanie Sherman, College of Nursing and Health Innovation sherman_tanie_ppt.pptx
- Lindsey Conrow, School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning conrow_spring2016.pdf
- Kendon Jung, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College jung_kendon_poster.pdf