Personal Network Analysis - January 24, 2025

Personal Network Analysis

Please bring your laptops for this hands on workshop

Social network analysis (SNA) is the study of patterns of human relations. There are two approaches to SNA.  Whole (sociocentric) networks focus on the relations within a defined group, such as an organization or a community, and how the position of a person in that network impacts outcomes.  Personal (egocentric) networks focus on the relations surrounding a person, and how the variability in the composition and structure of that network impacts outcomes.  In this workshop you will learn about different ways to collect personal network data, how those data are analyzed and how personal networks have been used in different disciplines.  Prior to coming to the workshop you will be asked to produce your own personal network using a program called Egonet, and you will import that network into a program called UCINET.  We will go through ways to analyze that network in the workshop.

Limited to 20 participants!


Presenter: Dr. Christopher McCarty

Christopher McCarty is a Professor in the University of Florida Department of Anthropology and director of the UF Bureau of Economic and Business Research, Associate Dean College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.  He has over twenty years of experience conducting primary data collection in both within and outside the U.S.  McCarty’s research focus is on social network analysis, and more specifically the analysis of personal networks.  He 2001 he developed a software program called Egonet that is designed for the collection and analysis of personal networks.  This open source software is freely available at and is being used by researchers worldwide for social network research.  McCarty is involved in several projects using this approach, including a study of acculturation among migrants, a study of stress and hypertension among African-Americans, and a study of social support among recovering drug users.  McCarty is also involved in the development of a social network method for estimating the size of hard to count populations and collaboration networks.

Date: Friday, January 24, 2025

Time: 9:30am–4:00pm, lunch included

Location: Cowden Building, Room 124

Workshop Fee: $50.00 (lunch included)

Register HERE